Monday, August 23, 2010

Renewed and Recharged in Santa Monica, Yosemite and San Fran

Writing from friend Zach's sunny bedroom in the Mission in San Fran. We arrived Saturday after a beautiful night and afternoon in Yosemite, where we camped with the beloved Caitlin (Berry), her boyfriend Justin, and their friend Tyler. Before Yosemite, we traveled from the Mojave Desert in Joshua Tree straight to the cooling relief of the Pacific Ocean at the Santa Monica Piers, where our dear friend Ben (known to many as "Wiggles") was a gracious host. It has been a perfect mix of being secluded in nature and being with friends in various cities. It is so inspiring to see old friends in new places and experience the full lives they are currently leading.
Today, we head North to the Russian River Valley, where we will taste wines and hopefully dip in the river itself. After that, we go further North towards Portland, which a stop in "The Lost Coast" or in Mt. Shasta (both which have been highly recommended by fellow travelers). After 2 restful nights in the bay area (one in a fully outfitted tepee- no joke) and one in a makeshift floor bed (surprisingly comfortable) we are rested and ready for the next leg of our journey.

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